Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Life with a Three-Year Old {A Reflection}

While I was editing photos one day, my three-year-old daughter, who loathes getting her picture taken, asked me to take her picture. I grabbed my camera and captured this treasure.

Sure her hair's a mess. She's not dressed. But that determined little look in her face and that bit of humor playing at her lips captures her personality. Our girl is a challenge. I might be a bit biased as her mother, but her little brain is amazing. Her imagination has me opening my mouth in astonishment and then laughing the next moment. Her energy level is off the charts and at times tiring. She marches to the beat of her own drum. She is a natural born leader and a determined one at that. She knows what she knows and don't argue with that! But I love her just the way she is. I love that she tells me every day, "You're the best mommy in the whole world!" She gives the absolute best hugs of all time. She is beautiful on the inside and out, just the way God made her to be. And I am truly blessed that He has given me this gift.


  1. SO precious! She must get her "natural born leader" from her mommy.

  2. Thank you, Jenny. :) I think she gets it from both her parents. We have a house full of strong personalities.
