Monday, October 1, 2012

{My Family} Memory Quilt

Today my mom would have turned 66 years old. She missed this birthday by 4 months. Today when I should have been calling her and having our four-year-old sing happy birthday to her, we miss her and our celebrating her life.

Although today was Mom's birthday, I was the one who received an amazing gift. Shortly after Mom's funeral, my pastor's wife, Becky Willeford, told me to pick out some of Mom's clothes that I especially remember her wearing, and she would make a quilt for me. Well about a month ago, I deposited about 6 large vacuumed packed bags of clothes at her house. I don't know what I was envisioning this quilt looking like. To be honest, I wondered if I would even recognize some of the clothing after it had been cut up. Amazing. Awesome. Wonderful. Indescribable. Unbelievable. I don't know if I am using even the right words. I'm speechless. I don't have to words to explain how I felt when she brought the finished product to me today. I can see my mom in every inch of this quilt. The memories that have been flooding back all day long. It is so beautiful! And I can't thank her enough for doing this for me. God has certainly given her a gift. It made my day and made it bearable. I will treasure this quilt for a lifetime.

I miss you so much, Mom. Happy Birthday. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That is awesome. :) What a beautiful way to remember.
