Tuesday, February 22, 2011

{Serious Check-Up}

If there is one activity my daughter loves to play and replay and play some more, it's doctor. She doctors her dolls, her stuffed animals, and her parents, under the alias Dr. Celia. And thankfully, she's never been afraid to go the doctor's office. She was very excited that we were on our way to see the doctor for her three-year check up. And yes, I'm one of those parents that photographs the event. :) As Dr. Celia, our girl is a very serious doctor, turns out she's a very serious patient as well. Just take a look. :)
She has always loved looking at herself in the mirror while at the doctor's office.
And the winner of  the whole day ... I think I may take this one and give to her pediatrician. Just priceless!


  1. she is so cute! What a big girl! And I love how vibrant the colors are

  2. Wow adorable and her hair is so long

  3. You definitely have to give that one at the left- bottom to the ped! The way she is looking at her is sooo classic, she will love it! These are so adorable and good for you for bringing your camera to the doctor, I haven't done that yet. :)
