Portrait Session - $250
  • 1 to 1.5 hours of creative shooting at an outdoor location of your choice
  • 1 change of clothes 
  • Limit group of 5 ($15 per extra person) 
  • 20-30 high resolution, digitally enhanced photos from your session on a DVD with rights to print.

Life Session - $400
  • I spend 3-4 hours documenting your life, whether it be a special life event, a birth, family gathering, birthday party, or just day-to-day life.
  • 100+ high, resolution, digitally enhanced photos from your session on a DVD with rights to print.   

Wedding - Please contact me for pricing details
Professional Printing Prices

11x14 - $16.00
8x10 - $10.00
5x7 - $5.00
4x6 - $2.50
3.5x5 - $2.00
Set of 4 wallets - $3.00

 *Other sizes available, including square sizes

All prices and packages are subject to change but are locked in at the time of your booking.