My husband and I are big Blues Fans. Every year for the past 3 years, we have purchased a 10-game season package. It's our date night. (Romantic, huh? I think so.) Last year for Christmas, I asked for a St. Louis Blues third jersey. I gave the gifter two player choices: Jaroslav Halak (goalie) or Eric Johnson (defenseman). The gifter was truly in great turmoil over which player to go with, but in the end, opted for a Jaroslav Halak jersey. You know the old say, "Time will tell." Well, let's just say, babe, you made a good choice! Last weekend the Blues traded Johnson to the Colorado Avalanche. So Eric, it was nice seeing you as a Blue, and we are sorry to see you go. We wish you luck, unless your playing the Blues.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
{ 30 } One Sweet Birthday!
My friend Dana turned 30. You might remember her from this post. We had a little par-tay for her which commenced at a fabulous place Bailey's Chocolate Bar in Lafayette Square. Dana was presented with a flashing 30 button to wear, a tiara, and a boa (which we will be discussing later). Some really fabulous people showed...some I managed to photograph, others not so much. What can I say, I was so excited about the possibility of chocolate and having fun that I forgot to photograph some of the important things. At the very least, I'm glad Dana turned 30 so that we could have cause to celebrate!
Gotta love musical, talking cards.
So to the story of the boa. I thought it would a brilliant idea to bring a black boa for Dana to wear. Unfortunately the dye on the boa began rubbing off onto Dana's hands and she wiped her brow a couple of times. All of a sudden, my husband yells, "Dana! You're face is black!" Which we were all like, "WHAT?!" And sure enough...
So she of course had to adjust her make-up and immediately remove the boa. And voile ... all better!
Then came the salad was delicious. I'm just sayin'.
Then came the group shot of the "MO-Bap girls"...taken by my husband. The first shot is of me yelling at him to stop shaking the camera. He was pretending he was a fashion photographer. Only he was moving the camera all around. I had it set on a very slow shutter speed. What followed provided a few moments of laughter.
And this would have been a great picture of Kelly if someone, not mentioning any names, hadn't tried to fist bump another person. Boys. *sigh*
Dana and Renee: February birthday girls. Aren't they just fabulous?
Then came the dessert. I'm just going to say it. I like photographing food.
And in the words of Aaron, my better half, "This dessert is so good it would make you wanna slap your mama."
Every party needs a comedian. I'm lucky enough to be married to this one.
And where should one adjourn to after such a wonderful time, why Starbucks of course.
Every time we get together with Dana and Jason, Dana and Aaron always have these in depth discussions or talk about senseless, useless knowledge. This time was no exception. Here they are discussing the plight of the bog men of ireland. Thank goodness someone had a smart phone.
After too much chocolate and too much caffeine, we said our goodbyes in the cold February night. Happy Birthday, Dana! You are one amazing friend!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
{Serious Check-Up}
If there is one activity my daughter loves to play and replay and play some more, it's doctor. She doctors her dolls, her stuffed animals, and her parents, under the alias Dr. Celia. And thankfully, she's never been afraid to go the doctor's office. She was very excited that we were on our way to see the doctor for her three-year check up. And yes, I'm one of those parents that photographs the event. :) As Dr. Celia, our girl is a very serious doctor, turns out she's a very serious patient as well. Just take a look. :)
She has always loved looking at herself in the mirror while at the doctor's office.
And the winner of the whole day ... I think I may take this one and give to her pediatrician. Just priceless!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
I thought I would share these detail shots taken at a friend's 40th Anniversary celebration. The original wedding colors were used and the cake was replica of their wedding cake made by the fabulous and talented Lyndsay of 13 Candles.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
{Baby} 3-month Photo Session with Mr. Man
From the moment I walked through the door, this little guy was happy and smiling. He may have not been smiling so much when I left. :) His room was adorably decorated in monkeys so we started there. By the time Daddy came home, we had graduated to the living room fireplace. He was very happy to see his daddy who greeted him as "Mr. Man." So from here on out, I will refer to this adorable fellow as "Mr. Man" (because it just seems to fit and let's be honest, it's just down right cute).

So I feel this next set of photos requires a bit of an explanation. Mr. Man didn't have specially made newborn photos so we were trying our best to make him look like a newborn. But he's a big boy who knows how to roll over and move a lot! He is just too cute!
"A person's a person no matter how small" - Dr. Seuss {Newborn}
My best friend gave birth to an extraordinarily handsome little boy. And yes, I got to photograph him. :) We don't exactly live down the street from one another, so I am missing this little guy and wishing I could spoil him and his proud big sister just a little more.
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