Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Brighter Day

We have had some dark, rainy days. Between the rain and the allergies, we were able to go to the park one day last week. Unfortunately, it turned into more allergy irritation, but it was certainly fun and BRIGHT while it lasted!
 Swinging! Probably her favorite activity!

She has always been our fearless girl, so it was nice to see her being cautious for a change! Normally she would have ran across this little bridge, but today she took it one step at a time.

Meeting a new friend and showing him the ABC's.

But once we arrived home, the allergies became an aggravation. But we heard the sounds of bells and whistles and the tune of "Do Your Ears Hang Low", and the ice cream man was there to brighten our day once again. 

We ended the evening with coffee with friends (unfortunately did not take photos of them) and Cardinal baseball on the radio. Always a good end to any day. 

Golden Curls

As I was going through Easter pics again, I stumbled across this picture. I remember not liking it at first, and right now, I have no idea why. I LOVE this picture. Maybe it's because she's my girl. Maybe it's because she normally has straight, straight hair. Maybe it's the way the wind is blowing. Maybe it's the way the golden sunlight seems to dance between the curls. Whatever the reason...I simply love it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Rain Hat

Our daughter is very much into building things. And she has a big imagination! She will tell you. Today, I asked her what she was building. 

Why, a rain hat of course!! 

She was concentrating very hard to keep it balanced on her head. 

I do love this 2-year-old and her big imagination!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More for Brittney

I posted a sneak preview this past weekend of Brittney's amazing photo shoot, but I had to post just few more. It was too much fun not to!

And I was super excited to be able to get some sun flare! Yay!

Then we had to be silly....first of all, Brittney's mom came along and was pretty much cracking us up the entire time. She had her camera too, taking pictures of the cute little duckies and geese...and me. Lord only knows what kind of shots she got of me. While Brittney was changing clothes, we caught her mom smoking ... yes, right next to a sign that explicitly said not to.

Those are just jokes! Angela wasn't smoking, but we had to kill time because Brittney was taking forever in the bathroom. We found out later it was because she was tangled up in the belt of her dress. Yes, there was much humor to go around this day!

And then ... we found the Tiny Hiney benches. I call them this because they had one rung on the seat and one rung on the back of the seat. So unless your hiney was tiny, you weren't sitting down! Fortunately for Brittney, she was a perfect fit.

I think Brittney could go into the acting business. She could totally play the part of damsel in distress. Do we have any prince charmings out there?!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sneak Peak for Brittney

Today was a fabulous day for shooting. Brittney, her mom, and I had a blast. Here is a sneak peak!

Friday, April 16, 2010


As of late, it seems my baby girl has grown up right before my eyes. She just recently turned two. It just seems like yesterday she was saying her first word, "Duck!" And now she talks and talks and talks. She's got a crazy vocabulary for her age. I miss that little bundle of joy, but I am getting such a kick out of this stage. I love listening to her sing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and hearing her laugh and say, "That's funny! I'm funny!" I love my little girl so full of personality. The other night I put her in pigtails, and I couldn't believe how much older it made her look. She looks like such a big girl, and it is BITTERSWEET!! But I cherish this big girl of mine!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cuteness from A to Z

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of spending a little time with Miss A and Mr. Z, quite possibly two of the cutest kids. Here are just a few from their crazy-fun shoot! 

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tip-Toe Through the Tulips

Easter was a beautiful day in St. Louis! The tulip trees were in full bloom, and they were beautiful! I took so many fun pictures this weekend. I couldn't wait to post a few. My girl looked so beautiful in her Easter dress and curly hair. (Even if I do say so myself!)